Measuring Cylinder
We have been manufacturing the Kecol piston pump and priming systems for over 25 years.

General Description
The Kecol Measuring Cylinder is used in conjunction with a Kecol piston pump and delivers a pre-determined volume of product every time it is operated. Measuring Cylinders are available with volumes of up to 5 litre capacity. The cylinders are actuated by a foot switch, which is included.
Featured Products

HDF Series - Heavy Duty Flap Valve

Articulated Prime

Batch Weighing System

B15 - Metallic Series

Hygienic Stubby Pumps

Hygienic Powerprime

B25 - FDA Series

Stainless Steel Maxiprime


HDF Series - Heavy Duty Flap Valve

Articulated Prime

Batch Weighing System

B15 - Metallic Series

Hygienic Stubby Pumps

Hygienic Powerprime

B25 - FDA Series

Stainless Steel Maxiprime

Get In Touch Today
with Kecol - the Experts in Viscous Pumps & Pumping Solutions and ask about our Power Prime Pumps
Call us today on (0)1746 764311 for expert advice for all your Commercial Pumping Services.