Batch Weighing Systems
We have been manufacturing the Kecol piston pump and priming systems for over 25 years.

General Description
Kecol has introduced a weighing control system for filling various containers accurately. The system comprises of a weighing platform linked to a controller, which in turn controls the pump. The controller has a two-step filling sequence, which can be programmed to give a rapid flow for the initial filling and then automatically reduce the flow for the final fill stage to increase the accuracy. Once the pre-determined weight of product has been filled into the container the controller automatically stops the pump and the system is ready to fill subsequent containers.
Various programmes can be stored within the controller ready for the operator to select. Programmes can also be downloaded to a laptop and simply re-loaded at a later date.
The system is suitable for capacities from 1Kgs to 300Kgs. and can be linked to any Kecol pump or system.
Kecol Pump System
system filling concentrated curry paste!
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Featured Products

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Batch Weighing System

B15 - Metallic Series

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B25 - FDA Series

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with Kecol - the Experts in Viscous Pumps & Pumping Solutions and ask about our Power Prime Pumps
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