Dual Control System
We have been manufacturing the Kecol piston pump and priming systems for over 25 years.

General Description
Where two priming units are being used in parallel, it is possible to link the units through a dual control console. The basic principle is that when the first unit has transferred all the product and the drum is empty, the unit is stopped and a second unit automatically starts to transfer product. This system enables continuous product transfer.
Featured Products

HDF Series - Heavy Duty Flap Valve

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HDF Series - Heavy Duty Flap Valve

Articulated Prime

Batch Weighing System

B15 - Metallic Series

Hygienic Stubby Pumps

Hygienic Powerprime

B25 - FDA Series

Stainless Steel Maxiprime

Get In Touch Today
with Kecol - the Experts in Viscous Pumps & Pumping Solutions and ask about our Power Prime Pumps
Call us today on (0)1746 764311 for expert advice for all your Commercial Pumping Services.